Troubleshooting - Kubernetes

Welcome! These troubleshooting steps will provide you insight about what actions does cbrctl commands perform behind the scenes.

Note: Default namespace used by Trycarbonara is carbonara-monitoring.


# Adding Helm repo for resource configuration: helm repo add prometheus-community
❯ helm repo update

Most of the issues encoutered would be related to the cluster configuration step. Here is what cbrctl config runs:

1. Configures the cluster to setup a prometheus/grafana server

 helm upgrade -i prometheus \
prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
--namespace carbonara-monitoring \
-f \

# (Optional) Validate configuration ready kubectl --namespace carbonara-monitoring get pods -l "release=prometheus"

2. Configures the cluster to setup a pushgateway server

 helm upgrade -i prometheus-pushgateway prometheus-community/prometheus-pushgateway \
--namespace carbonara-monitoring \
--set serviceMonitor.enabled=true \
--set serviceMonitor.namespace=carbonara-monitoring \
--set persistentVolume.enabled=true \

# (Optional) Validate configuration ready kubectl --namespace carbonara-monitoring get pods -l "release=prometheus-pushgateway"

3. Configures the cluster to add grafana dashboards

 kubectl apply -f \
--namespace carbonara-monitoring

4. Download the agent manifest file to local

# $CLOUDPROVIDER and $TOKEN are passed by the client and configured as an environment variable wget
❯ cat carbonara-agent-manifest.yaml | sed "s/{{CLOUDPROVIDER}}/$CLOUDPROVIDER/g" | sed "s/{{TOKEN}}/$TOKEN/g" | kubectl apply --overwrite=true --namespace carbonara-monitoring -f -

Validate status and make sure all pods are running

 kubectl get all --namespace carbonara-monitoring

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